The River Reporter | OUR COUNTRY HOME
It’s been said that moving from one house to another is one of the most stressful things an adult will experience in their lifetime. Imagine, then, the stress level of building a home from the ground up that is designed for someone with unique needs and has to meet the stringent requirements and regulations set forth by the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). This is the project that Bethel, NY resident Lee Karasik has been working on for the past two years, and I sat down with Lee to discuss his journey toward independent living.
“As far as we know, this is the first private, ADA-compliant home to ever be built in Sullivan County,” Lee said during an interview last month. “I can’t tell you how exciting it is and how I hope that this experience building my dream house might serve as an inspiration for others with varying abilities.” Lee, who was born with cerebral palsy, has used a walker and wheelchair his entire life. “We all start out crawling around the house,” Lee said, “but I’ve been doing it my whole life. On top of that, I’ve been crawling around my parents’ house, and while they have been amazing and incredibly supportive, I’m ready to live on my own.” <<MORE>>